Andover Dentist
Yearly dental exams are vital to your oral health, and here at Longobardi Dental we are dedicated to keeping the smiles of Willimantic, Connecticut as beautiful and healthy as can be. The key to a long-lasting smile is proper oral care, and simply brushing and flossing daily does not do enough. Even though brushing and flossing is vital to keeping your teeth and gums healthy, a yearly dental exam and X-ray with our
Andover dentist is important to monitoring your overall oral health and keeping your teeth as clean as they can be.
A dental exam and X-ray at Longobardi Dental will keep you informed of what’s happening in your mouth. Brushing and flossing regularly is important to oral hygiene, but sometimes it isn’t enough. Sometimes plaque and tartar can still build up around the tooth or between teeth near the gumline. An excess of this build up can lead to pockets and often to conditions such as gingivitis. While brushing your teeth gets rid of daily layers of plaque and other materials you acquire throughout the day from eating and drinking, a yearly dental cleaning can help rid of hard-to-reach plaque and gently scrape away resistant tartar much better than a toothbrush can. A general exam with Dr. Longobardi can help significantly decrease your risk of tooth or gum decay, helping you prevent gingivitis or cavities. Sometimes patients may not know whether they have a cavity, and a dental exam can check for the presence of any signs of tooth decay to stop future damage and pain. An X-ray with our
Andover dentist can monitor the movement of your teeth. An X-ray can give valuable insight to the movement of wisdom teeth and can tell you whether they are impacted and need to be removed. It is also common for adults to experience crowding later in life and a yearly dental X-ray can monitor any such movement of the teeth.
In addition to necessary routine comprehensive oral exams and cleanings, Longobardi Dental offers pediatric exams and dental care, fixed and removable dentures, dental implants, veneers, teeth whitening, sleep apnea treatment, mouth guards, and other emergency dental procedures. Any of these procedures may include sedation dentistry to prevent pain or to ease patient anxiety. Our team of
Andover dentists are dedicated to keeping your smile healthy and ensuring that you have the most comprehensive and comfortable visit possible.
169 Valley Street
Willimantic, CT 06226
By Longobardi Dental
May 31, 2017
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