Dental cleaning in Coventry
It is recommended that all patients have biannual dental exams and dental cleanings. At our dental practice, Longobardi Dental, many of our patients schedule appointments so that they have a dental exam and a
dental cleaning in Coventry, at our office, on the same day.
When you come to our dental practice for a dental exam, you will be seen by our top-notch dentist, Dr. Mark Longobardi. If our dentist finds that you have developed gingivitis, a precursor to gum disease, he will most likely recommend that you have several regular dental cleanings over the coming months to help your gums return to good health. However, it is very important that you have a dental cleaning in Coventry every six months to help your teeth and gums remain healthy. Plaque is continuously produced in your mouth, so it is important that you have a great at-home dental cleaning regimen, as well as come in for regular dental cleanings, to keep your teeth as plaque-free as possible. Plaque is the cause of dental cavities, and the more effectively it is removed from your teeth, the less likely it is that your teeth will develop dental cavities. Plaque can also cause gingivitis when it gathers along the gum line. Gingivitis can be a precursor to gum disease, and should always be treated to allow gums to return to good health. When you have a dental exam at our office, all plaque and tartar will be removed from on the teeth, from between the teeth, and from just below the gum line. Some of these areas cannot be reached during your at-home dental cleanings, so it is very important that you come in for these periodic cleanings. In addition, tartar is a hard, mineralized, substance that can lead to gum disease; it can only be removed with professional dental cleaning instruments.
For an appointment to come into our office for a
dental cleaning in Coventry, simply contact us today.
By Longobardi Dental
October 30, 2017
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