Franklin dentures
If you have missing teeth that need to be replaced, you will definitely want to visit us at Longobardi Dental. Our top-notch dentist, Dr. Mark Longobardi, can provide you with attractive, comfortable, and fully functional
Franklin dentures.
Even when dentures are perfectly made for you, there will be an adjustment to wearing your new Franklin dentures. When you first leave our office with your new dentures, do not be surprised if they feel awkward or bulky in your mouth. This is simply because you are not used to wearing these dentures, so there is certainly going to be an adjustment period. Our dentist may ask you at first to wear your dentures round-the-clock so that any areas that do not fit your mouth perfectly can be easily and quickly identified. This way they can be corrected. You will also want to cut your food into smaller pieces and be sure to chew evenly on both sides of your mouth. There will be an adjustment period to eating certain foods, so you may want to stick to a diet which is easy to chew. However, this is only necessary during your period of adjustment of your dentures. Our office will also provide you with full instructions on how to care for your new dentures. When you remove them, you will want to stand over a full sink of water, or over a table with a towel, to make sure that if the dentures inadvertently fall, they will not fall on a hard surface. You never want to force dentures into place, as you can cause them to bend or even break. If you experience any problems with your dentures, we urge you to contact our office immediately so that you can bring them into our office for care.
Franklin dentures that you get at our dental practice will be extremely attractive and comfortable for you to wear. If you have missing teeth, we urge you to contact us for a consultation.
By Longobardi Dental
April 26, 2017
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