Top dentist in Franklin
Sometimes in order for gums to remain healthy, you will need to have gum treatment. At our dental practice, Longobardi Dental, our
top dentist in Franklin, Dr. Mark Longobardi, can provide you with necessary gum treatments in order to keep your gums healthy or restore them to good health.
During a dental exam at our practice, our top dentist in Franklin will be able to assess the health of your gums and let you know if any type of gum treatment is needed. If it is found that you have developed gingivitis, a common precursor to gum disease, our dentist will likely recommend that you have several regular dental cleanings over the coming months in order to help your gums to return to good health. However, if our dentist finds that deep pockets have formed between your teeth and gums, he may likely recommend that you have a periodontal scaling and root planing treatment at our dental practice. This treatment is like a deep cleaning for the gums. During the treatment all tartar, plaque, food debris and bacteria is removed from the deep pockets that have formed between the teeth and gums. Our dentist may also provide you with topical antibiotic treatment at the time to make sure that all infection clears. You may even be prescribed an oral antibiotic to make sure that infection clears up completely. During this treatment, the tooth roots are also planed to make sure that it is more difficult for any plaque or tartar to adhere to them in the future. Sometimes this treatment needs to be performed more than once in order to be completely effective. However, if scaling and root planing is not effective in helping gums to heal, you may need to have gum surgery to further help heal the deep pockets.
For an appointment to see our
top dentist in Franklin for gum therapy or other types of dental care, contact us today.
By Longobardi Dental
February 28, 2017
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