Did you know that you could be experienced a dental emergency right now, without ever realizing the extent of the problem currently happening inside your smile? Many of us often think of us dental emergencies as simply occurring from a painful physical trauma, usually during a terrible accident from sports conduct or other outdoor activities. However, the truth is dental emergencies can occur in your very own home, occurring in our smiles while we write them off as being a simple annoyance that can be treated with another dose of pain killers. To learn the truth about dental emergencies that can help you stop these problems from growing worse and needing far more involved and costly care, be sure to maintain regular exams and comprehensive cleanings with your local
Andover general dentist at the offices of Longobardi Dental.
Emergency Dental Care Andover
Dental emergencies can occur before any of us realize it, especially if we avoid regular check-ups with our trusted
Andover general dentist. Many of us are accustomed to putting off visits for emergency medical need for anything less than truly dire pain and straights, when the truth is even mild pain inside your mouth is a sign of a serious problem. Any toothache which lasts for over a week needs to be examined by your dentist as soon as possible. Toothaches of any level of pain, be it mild or severe enough that it wakes you in the night in agony, is a sign of disease and decay occurring inside your mouth. Often times a painful toothache, especially one that is accompanied by swollen gums and constant bad breath or halitosis, is the cause of a root canal infection. Root canal infections can quickly destroy your tooth from the inside out if not cared for, and in some cases the infection can even spread to other areas of your body. Other types of dental emergencies include a loose dental filling or other permanent dental fixture, any form of fracture or break in an orthodontic appliances such as braces or a retainer, and even food trapped between your teeth needs to be treated by your doctor. Injuries to the teeth can lead to painful infection and even abscessed teeth if they are not treated in time.
To insure your smile is always a picture of perfect health, adults should be visiting their neighborhood
Andover general dentist at least twice a year. Our fully licensed and professionally trained team at the offices of Longobardi Dental provide a full array of dental services, and are fully equipped to handle your most dire dental emergencies and your regular appointments alike. For state of the art technology and personalized care when you need it most, be sure to visit Longobardi Dental.
Andover Root Canal Therapy
169 Valley Street
Willimantic, CT 06226
By Longobardi Dental
April 16, 2014
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