Visiting your dentist regularly is incredibly important when it comes to maintaining your dental and oral health. Regular visits help your dentist monitor your oral health closely, allowing them to more easily determine if there are any minor or discreet issues. This comes in handy when it comes to oral or dental issues when they are in their earliest stages and can make treatment a lot easier and less intensive. One of the things dentists look for on a routine visit is cavities. Here at Longobardi Dental, our resident
dentist in Willimantic can provide you with a comprehensive examination and provide any dental fillings you may need, including amalgam and composite fillings.
Family Dentist Willimantic
Dental fillings are among the more common dental procedures performed in the United States. Though we may take care of our mouths, cavities can still occur, which is why regular dentist visits are necessary. Regular visits can better allow your dentist to spot any decay before it gets too serious, especially if you have yet to yield any noticeable symptoms. If cavities go untreated, they can spread and infect the tooth root, adjacent teeth, and the gums, and may require root canal therapy or the removal of the entire tooth. Dental fillings can prevent these procedures from becoming necessary for treatment. Here at
Longobardi Dental, we can provide you with traditional fillings and a more modern alternative. Amalgam fillings are traditionally made from a mix of metals, mostly silver, and provide a strong barrier that is long lasting and withstands the pressure applied when eating. But some people may not like the appearance of silver in their smiles. For these patients, we can offer composite fillings. These fillings are made from a tooth-colored resin that is virtually unnoticeable and is made to match the color of the tooth it is being applied to.
Here at
Longobardi Dental, our dentist, Dr. Mark Longobardi, can provide you with the filling of your choice. If you are due for a routine checkup or believe you may have a cavity, then schedule an appointment with Dr. Longobardi for your amalgam or composite
dental fillings in Willimantic today.
169 Valley Street
Willimantic, Connecticut 06226
By Longobardi Dental
August 29, 2014
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